[New] The X,Y to Layer form can now accept pasting in a selection of x,y points.
[Fix] The Drawing Text button/menu is no longer disabled when pressing Delete
Last on the Data Entry form.
[Fix][OSX] Fixed an error message that would show when quitting the app while a
window opened from the toolbar was still open.
[Imp] Rotating a layer will now attempt to re-apply the call labels.
[Chg] The Legacy Labels option is now a popup menu on the Drawing Text window.
[New] Importing GeoJSON can now combine the import into a single layer.
[New] Added the ability to export the selected layers as GeoJSON.
[Imp] Widened the X,Y Waypoints form.
[Imp] Improved Deed Cleanup Tool.
[New] Added the ability to show the cursor x,y.
[New][Pro] Added the dimension layer wand.
[New] The dimension line default style can now be set in the preferences.
[New] Holding Shift while selecting the measurement tool will use the magic wand
measurement tool instead of the normal measurement tool.
[New] The order of the toolbar items can now be changed.
[New][Pro] Added the ability to import lat/long and X,Y waypoints from the
lat/long data of a folder full of pictures.
[New][Pro] Added the ability to add text blocks to a layer.
[Chg] Curves are now allowed to create dimension line layers.
[Imp] The new line styles from v6.2.0 now work with curves. Except dimensions
won't have a white space.
[Imp] Horizontal dimension lines are no longer off by 1 pixel.
[Chg] Showing the scrollbars is now toggled using Control-Shift-M.
[New][Pro] Added the ability to generate a drawing Legend based on the line
styles, fill styles and waypoint icons.
[New] Added a number of new fill patterns.
[New] Added a number of new line styles.
[New][Pro] Added the ability to link layers together so that moving the parent
layer will move the children layers as well.
[New] When using the call drawing tool, holding the shift key after drawing a
call will create an invisible call to the next clicked point.
[New] Added the ability to calculate the centroid of a layer.
[New][Pro] Added the ability to set the background image scale based on two Lat
points and two Long points.
[New] Added the ability to import a CAD drawing as a single layer.
[New][Pro] Added the ability to export selected layers as KML.
[New][Pro] When importing GeoJSON, the drawing's origin lat/long can now be set
and the layer's set to align via lat/long.
[New] The Layer Selection window can now select just the visible layers.
[New] Added the ability to right-click inside of the current layer to add an X,Y
[New][Pro] Added the ability to right-click on a line to create a new dimension
line layer.
[New] Added the ability to delete multiple layers at once.
[New] Added a Return to POB checkbox to the SPCS to Metes and Bounds Call form.
[New] The Section Finder can now handle 1/8 calls.
[Imp] The font picker now has font sizes up to 28.
[Imp] Can now use the Enter/Return key to enter a northing/easting.
[Imp] Improved importing northing/eastings.
[Imp] Improved the DXF import routine.
[Imp] Can now rotate layers with invisible calls in the middle of the call list,
as long as there are no curves.
[Fix] Fixed an issue with right-clicking to edit an x,y waypoint and getting a
different layer's waypoints.
[Fix] Fixed an issue with importing alt style 2 call lists.
[Fix] Fixed an issue with the Paste Calls as New Layer menu.
[Chg] Floating call lists that are too tall for the screen will now show the top
of the list instead of the bottom of the list.
[Fix] Fixed on issue with the right-click lat/long value not working properly
for a layer.
[Fix] Fixed an issue with the deed cleanup tool.
[New] Added the Paces unit of measurement.
[Fix] Fixed an issue with Use Fill color being disabled on the Floating Lists
[Fix][OSX] Fixed an issue creating a new grid layer.
[New][Pro] The drawing's origin lat/long can now be set when opening a
geo-tagged image.
[New][Pro] Added the ability to right-click on a drawing that has an origin
lat/long to get the lat/long of the clicked point.
[New][Pro] Added the ability to right-click on a layer that has a POB lat/long
to get the lat/long of the clicked point.
[New][Pro] The Lat/Long calculator tool can now use the drawing origin lat/long
as point 1 or point 2.
[New][Pro] The Lat/Long calculator tool can now set the lat/long for points 1
and 2 from a picture meta data.
[New][Pro] The background picture scale can now be set via picture meta data,
camera and flight information.
[New][Pro] The background picture can now be rotated based on the lat/long
direction from two different pictures.
[New][Pro] Added the ability to set a layer's POB Lat/Long based on the layer's
location on the drawing and the drawing's origin Lat/Long.
[New][Pro] Added a dedicated form for setting the origins lat/long.
[New] Added the ability to attach a note to each call. The Call Captions window
can now show/edit the call notes.
[New] Added the ability to find a curve radius from the chord length and central
[New] Added the Drawing menu. Moved the drawing related items out of the Tools
and Windows menus.
[New] The Background Picture window can now rotate the picture by a specific
[Imp] The lat/long parser can now handle values in the form of N 34/1, 20/1,
[Imp] Can now create smaller grid layers.
[Fix] Fixed an issue where it was possible to click on a line on a layer that
had calls, but then all of the calls were deleted.
[Fix] Fixed an issue with internal angles, both plus and minus, that were
greater than 180 degrees.
[Chg] Layers with labels or notes will now populate the text entry form with <l>
and <n> markers.
[Fix] Fixed several issues when rotating a background image.
[Fix] Fixed several issues with cropping and resizing a background image.
[Fix] Setting the background from a snapshot will now set the background as
[Fix] Loading a picture for a snapshot will now size the picture properly.
[Imp] Improved the main tutorial page.
[Fix] Fixed an issue saving as shapefile.
[Imp] Improved the Description Cleanup Tool's parsing routine.
[Fix][Mac] Fixed an issue with the layer fill clearing when it shouldn't.
[Fix] Floating pictures are now sized properly when adding a new floating
[Imp] Now, when opening a large background image, the software will prompt the
user asking if they would like to cancel, resize the image or use the existing
[Imp] Floating pictures will now warn the user when adding an image size larger
than 10,000x10,000 pixels.
[Imp] Improved the Description cleanup tool's parsing routine.
[New][Pro] Added the ability to convert layers into new drawings.
[New] The legacy drawing labels can now be converted to floating text blocks.
[New] Floating text blocks can now be aligned left, center or right.
[New] The call labels can now be length only.
[New] Call labels can now be created from call lengths.
[New][Pro] X,Y Waypoints can now create waypoints based on call lengths.
[New][Pro] The Plot Area Minus Sub-Plot Area form can now create a floating text
block from the calculated areas.
[Chg] Fixed an issue where the Select Layers window would cause all layer to be
visible/invisible on the main drawing when selecting or clearing all layers.
[New] The layer order window can now sort the layers alphabetically.
[New] The layer attributes grid form can now view just the invisible layers.
[New] The layer attributes grid form can now set selected layers to
[New] The SPCS to MAB call form can now copy the call to the clipboard.
[New] The call drawing tool now works while in the data entry mode.
[New] The Lat/Long Calculator now has the ability to create a call from the
shown bearing.
[New] The Lat/Long Calculator now has the ability to copy the shown bearing to
the clipboard.
[New] The measurement tool now works with the data entry mode.
[Fix] Fixed several issues with the data entry mode not handling extended call
data properly.
[Fix] Open As Layer no longer changes the north arrow style.
[Fix] Open As Layer no longer replaces the existing floating text with the Open
As floating text.
[Chg] The Lat/Long Calculator now shows the distance, angle and bearing
[Fix][OSX] Addressed issues with newer versions of Mac OS.
[New][Pro] Added the ability to rotate a layer in real-time.
[New][Pro] Added the ability to merge two layers via endpoints.
[New] Added the hollow circle endpoint style.
[New] Added the ability to choose which fields to import when importing an X,Y
csv file.
[New] The Style 1 Title Block can now be located in the upper left and in the
upper right corners.
[New] The layer name can now be set using the Description Cleanup Tool.
[New] Added a checkbox to remove all information prior to the POB to the
Description Cleanup Tool.
[New] Added tutorial number 10: Merging Layers - Exception.
[New][Pro] Added the New Layer From Current Section function to the Section
[New] Added the Section Finder popup menu as an offset option to the New Grid
Layer window.
[New] The undo function can now undo removing a call.
[New] The sub-plot area results can now be copied to the clipboard.
[New] The New Drawing Wizard now has the option to create a new drawing layer
with an optional new grid layer and optional layer fill.
[New] The Declination Calculator can now calculate the declination between two
[New] The New Rotated Layer can now find the rotation from the Declination
Calculator; retain the invisible, leading calls; and retain the original
layers fill and caption settings.
[New][Pro] Can now right-click on a left/right curve call to convert it into a
chord bearing curve.
[Fix] Fixed an issue with the dirty flag not being set when creating or editing
a floating text blocks.
[Fix] Fixed an issue with the dirty flag not being set when moving a call
up/down or converting a missing call.
[Fix] Fixed an issue with outline layers when the layer contained chord bearing
or radial curves.
[Imp] Improved DXF import functionality.
[Imp] Creating a center line layer now works with -, +, I and Z calls.
[Fix][OSX] Fixed an issue with saving to Shapefiles.
[Fix][OSX] Addressed issues with Mac OS 12.6.
[New] Added the ability to find the arc length for a radial curve from the
radial line and another radius line.
[New] Added the ability to toggle a line's auto-generated caption's visibility.
[Fix] Fixed a lockup issue when the mouse pointer was hovering over an
auto-complete line.
[New] Added the ability to show the call on the floating endpoint list.
[New][Pro] Added the ability to use ? as the chord bearing of a curve.
[New][Pro] Added the missing tab to the curve entry tab.
[New] Added the ability to hide a line and its captions.
[New] Added the ability to delete a layer by right-clicking on it.
[New] Added the ability to choose a call to start the area calculation. This
allows leading calls to be visible, but not part of the area calculations.
[New] When drawing a call, holding down the control key will limit the lengths
to whole numbers.
[New] Layers that are just a single line can now be moved via the mouse.
[New] Added the ability to right-click on a line on the drawing to edit that
[New] Right-Clicking on a layer now includes the options from the drawing layer
[New] Added the ability to export layer information as a text file.
[New][Pro] When exporting to KML, the layer fill color can now be used for the
KML line color.
[New] Title Block style #3 can now show just the current layer.
[New] Added the ability to convert a curve tangent bearing to a radial bearing.
[Fix] The object dragging order now better matches the object drawing order.
[Fix] Fixed an issue with layer fills not drawing if all endpoints of a layer
were off the screen.
[Fix] Fixed an issue with the screen not refreshing when switching from Printer
Centric to Screen Centric the first time after loading a Printer Centric file.
[Fix] Reduced line captions now work with curves.
[Fix] Fixed several undo issues.
[New] Line labels can now show the call label only.
[New] The call label window can now create labels from the calls using Metes and
Bounds, °'" or N33.3333E 100 formats.
[New] Added the ability to right-click on the drawing to center on that area.
[New] DXF files can now import most label types.
[New] Exporting the current layer to DXF can now include x,y waypoint
descriptions and layer captions for the line and polyline options.
[New] Exporting all layers to DXF can now include x,y waypoint descriptions and
layer captions.
[New] AcDbLines will now be processed by the DXF Lines import routine.
[New] The lines dxf import routine now offers the option of attempting to open
as CAD.
[Fix] Fixed several issues with fill patterns when the width of the layer was
larger than its height.
[Fix] Fixed several issues with dotted/dashed lines.
[Fix] Rotated X,Y Waypoint labels now draw in the correct spot.
[Fix] Fixed an issue with the target area of x,y waypoint labels.
[Fix] Fixed on issue with floating text blocks being un-selectable after
changing from screen centric to printer centric.
[Imp] Improved importing n12.3456e 100 style call lists.
[Fix] Fixed an issue with opening older saved files.
[New][Pro] Added the ability to export the call list as a series of Azimuth
[New][Pro] When aligning layers by lat/long, the alignment can now be done via
x,y offset instead of a new invisible call.
[New][Pro] The drawing can now save a lat/long setting for the drawing's origin.
[New] Added the ability to include acres in the Section Finder calls.
[New] Added the millimeter and centimeter unit types.
[New] Added the ability to replace the unit type of all layers.
[New] Can now right-click to hide a floating attribute list.
[New] The scale tape will now show a decimal point when the top number is < 10.
[Fix] The alignment tool is now reset when the drawing origin is switched to
[Imp] Improved undo functionality.
[Chg][Pro] Title Blocks 3 and 4 will no longer show information about new grid
[Chg] The floating lists now honor the fill colors Transparency setting.
[Fix][Win] Fixed an issue with the TRS data flickering on the Data Entry Corner
[New] A layer's offset can now be set via text entry.
[New] When creating a new layer, the offset can now be set to any layer's
[New] On the Data Entry Corner tab, added a way to copy the origin T/R data to
the layer T/R data.
[New] Added tutorial #9.
[Fix] Fixed an issue with the X,Y Point Duplicate button not duplicating the
last two columns.
[New][Pro] Added the ability for call captions to reduce from full calls to call
# automatically.
[New][Pro] Added the ability to enter T/R/S data into the Corner tab on the Data
Entry form.
[New][Pro] Layer call captions can now split the angle and length onto separate
[New][Pro] Added the ability to apply a style to the New Grid Layer.
[New][Pro] Added the ability to apply an offset to the New Grid Layer.
[New] The line label tab can now populate the labels with the calls.
[New] Added the ability to create a custom paper size on printer centric
[Imp] Improved the deed cleanup tool.
[New][Pro] Added the ability for x,y waypoint radius to have a fill color.
[New][Pro] Added the 'arc length from chord length and radius' calculator to the
radial curve tab.
[Imp] The estimate layer overlap calculator now performs additional validation
before estimating the overlap.
[New] Added trees to the waypoint icons.
[New] Added the ability to apply the current layer's POB X,Y to other layers.
[New] Added the ability to align layers by X,Y.
[Fix] Fixed an issue with the Endpoint Lat/Long to POB Lat/Long form dropping
the E/W marker, if used.
[Fix][OSX] The floating lists now fit their datasets better.
[Fix] Fixed an issue with line captions drawing too many times on curves.
[New][Pro] Added a way to set all of the colors for a layer on one window.
[New] Can now use %L as a placeholder for inserting a linefeed.
[New] The Layer Name caption now runs through the placeholder routine.
[New] Title Blocks can now hide the unit of measurement.
[New][Pro] Added the ability to set the line color for individual calls.
[New] Added the ability to the move a layer to the top or bottom of the drawing
[Fix][OSX] Fixed an issue with drawing dots on Catalina(10.15).
[Fix][Win] The floating lists now fit their dataset better when in single column
[Fix][Win] Fixed an issue with rotated text not printing in some cases.
[New] Added the ability to convert a shapefile to series of call lists.
[Fix] The Edit Picture window now does a better job of showing the horizontal
[Chg] Increased the maximum image resize from 4000 to 9600.
[Imp] Multiple improvements to the Description Cleanup Tool.
[New] Added the Half Chain (33 ft.)
[Imp] Improved the Description Cleanup Tool.
[New][OSX] Is now a 64-Bit app.
[Fix][OSX] Fixed issues with transparency on Mojave(10.14).
[Imp][Win] Updated printing.
[Fix] Fixed an issue with Floating Text Blocks not hiding their border.
[New] When importing a polyline DXF, will now prompt for line vs. line segment.
[New] Importing line segment polyline DXF files now support bulges.
[New] Shapefiles will now export curves and not just the curve endpoints.
[Fix] Title Block 2 will now use the max column width to calculate how wide a
column should be instead of using a constant column width.
[Chg] The Title Block Closure Line routines now honor the number of decimal
point setting.
[New] Added a checkbox to clear the Data Entry form after clicking the Add Line
[New] Layer Captions can now show the layer's perimeter.
[New] The Description Cleanup Tool will now open *.* instead of just *.txt
[New] Added the search/replace feature to the Text Entry form.
[New] Call labels can now show both calls and call numbers.
[New] Title Blocks that show calls can now include call numbers.
[New] Floating Info boxes can now have their fonts set.
[New] Floating Info box configuration can now be set for all or selected layers.
[New] Added the ability to stagger in-line calls.
[Fix] Fixed an issue with Auto-Complete layers causing errors when setting other
layer lat/long POBs from a source layer.
[Fix] Title Blocks, Style 3 and 4, now do a better job of not cutting off
information on the right hand side.
[Fix] Setting call lists and endpoint lists for selected layers no longer also
includes the first layer.
[Fix] Fixed an issue with endpoint lat/long values being placed on the same line
as endpoint x,y values.
[Fix] Fixed an issue with the layer label rotation label not refreshing
[Fix] Fixed an error that could occur when opening the lat/long waypoint form
when the layer already had a POB lat/long.
[Fix] Fixed an issue with the Recent Items menu showing a menu item that wasn't
a MAB file.
[Fix][OSX] Fixed an issue with printing bleeding past page boundaries.
[Fix][OSX] The Recent Items menu will now be enabled when the form loads and
doesn't require a 2nd click to activate.
[Chg] Title blocks will now show the curve data from chord bearing and radial
line curves instead of just showing the word "curve."
[Fix][OSX] Fixed an issue with rotated text not printing with the correct
[Fix] The description cleanup tool now does a better job of detecting line
angles that start with 0.
[Fix][OSX] Fixed a number of Cocoa related issues.
[New][Pro] Added the ability to import GeoJSON data.
[New] The measurement tool now listens to the "default to meters" setting.
[New] Title Block styles 2-5 now have a checbox for showing the area as meters.
[New] Section Finder can now handle 3/4 calls. Ex: E3/4 of...
[Fix] Will now alert the user when no layers will be exported to a shapefile.
[Fix] Fixed a error trying to open files with empty floating text boxes.
[Chg][OSX] Is now a cocoa app instead of carbon.
[Chg] Removed the 3rd party images button. The URLs where constantly changing.
[New] Added a checkbox to the set pob lat/long from single source to apply x,y
offset and rotation or not.
[New] Added the ability to convert an origin lat/long to a POB lat/long.
[Fix][OSX] The Text Entry form will now work with copy/paste.
[Fix] Fixed a crash on the line label form if the show only calls with labels
box was checked and then cancel was pressed on the captions tab.
[Fix] When creating a new section finder drawing from the new drawing wizard,
the drawing wizard variables now get cleared out before opening the section
finder so that if the section finder creates a new drawing, that new drawing
won't accidentally use the new drawing wizard variables.
[Fix] Return to Call now works properly when using the Data Entry Mode.
[Fix] Fixed a crash that could occur if a layer whose first call wasn't
invisible was exported to KML and the Use First Call as POB was checked.
[Fix] Fixed an issue with the View All Layer Lat/Long window showing x,y in the
grid headings instead of lat/long.
[Fix] Adding a new advanced layer now applies default layer settings instead of
applying default drawing settings.
[Fix] Pasting calls as a new layer now applies default layer settings instead of
applying default drawing settings.
[Fix] KML exports no longer allow &'s in the layer names, waypoints or
[Fix] Fixed an issue with an extra line being drawn if the first visible call,
after an invisible starting call, was a curve.
[Imp] Added a warning if the background images is larger than 10,000x10,000
[New][Pro] Added the ability to view layer attributes in a grid.
[New][Pro] Added the ability to show Attributes as a floating list.
[New][Pro] Added the ability to create a new layer based on an offset from an
existing line.
[New][Pro] Added the ability to close a layer by Distance-Distance Intersection.
[New][Pro] Added the ability to create a new layer by picking two endpoints and
using Distance-Distance Intersection.
[New] Added the ability to "roll up" Degree<enter>Distance text entries into an
azimuth call.
[New] The curve entry form can now calculate the radius from the arc length and
central angle.
[Fix] Fixed an issue with Replace Unit Type not working with calls created with
Z, I + or -.
[New] Search results can now set the returned layers as visible and hide all
other layers.
[New][OSX] The disk image is now code signed.
[Fix] Fixed an issue with layer attributes: Owner, Tax ID, Date of Sale, Seller
and Buyer, not exporting to KML and SHP properly.
[Fix] Fixed an issue with the Set Other Layers POB Lat/Long form not working
properly with layers that do not have any x,y offset.
[Fix] Fixed an issue where exporting KML with the Use First Call as POB box
checked would cause the main drawing to show the first call as visible, even
though it is marked as invisible.
[Fix] The Use First Call as POB KML export setting now remembers is last
[Fix] Fixed an issue where exporting KML with the Use First Call as POB box
checked would not work when exporting the current layer only.
[Imp] Improved rotating layers.
[Chg] When exporting KML with the Use First Call as POB box checked, the Use
First Call offset is now applied to lat/long waypoints.
[New][Pro] Added 10 layer attributes.
[New][Pro] Added the ability to export all visible layers in a single shapefile.
[New][Pro] Added the ability to search call labels, waypoint descriptions and
[New][Bas] Added the Number Pad Data Entry mode.
[New] Added the ability to set the fill options, layer captions, line options,
endpoint options, floating call lists and floating endpoint lists for a
selection of layers.
[New] Added the ability to set a default scale for background pictures.
[New] Added the ability to rotate floating pictures.
[New] Exporting KML can now include the layer attributes.
[New][Pro] Importing a shapefile will now prompt for which field to use for a
layer's name.
[New][Pro] Importing a x,y shapefile with over 2,500 layers will now prompt the
user with filter options.
[New] Added a menu option that will hide layers based on if they are currently
on the screen or not.
[New][Bas] Added the Estimate Layer Overlap calculator.
[Imp] Importing x,y shapefiles is now faster.
[Imp] When set to use large scales, the new grid layer will accept sizes up to
158,400 feet.
[New][Pro] Can now import and export Shapefiles(.shp).
[New][Pro] The lat/long waypoints form can now import waypoints from KML files.
[New][Pro] The lat/long waypoints form can now import waypoints from a CSV file.
[New] Added a search field to the Text Entry Form.
[New] The call label form can now limit the list to just calls that have a
[New][Pro] Added the ability to export the current layer to SVG format.
[New] In the main call list, calls with a call label now have a slight blue hue.
[Imp] Various performance improvements.
[New] Added the ability to remove the x,y offsets created by moving the
background picture with the mouse.
[New][Pro] Added the ability to use a layer's line color when exporting to KML.
[New][Pro] KML export can now set line transparency.
[New][Pro] Added the ability to set the POB Lat/Long for multiple layers from a
single lat/long, based on the x,y offsets of the layers, including layer
[Fix] No longer requires an angle to be entered when creating a rotated layer by
flipping horz. or vertically.
[Fix] No longer requires the current layer to have a lat/long value with
exporting all visible layers as KML.
[New] Compass point entries can now use 1/2 points and 1/4 point calls.
[New] Added compass points to the data entry form.
[New] Added the Getting Started tutorial.
[New] The most recently added call is now visible in the call list box after it
is added and the list box has a scrollbar.
[Fix] Rotating a layer now handles hidden calls better.
[Fix] The measurement line now always draws over floating pictures.
[Fix] The measurement tool menu is now enabled as long as the drawing contains
at least 1 call or the background image has been set, even if the current layer
does not contain any calls.
[Fix] Renaming a layer when using tabs now renames the layer across all tabs.
[Fix] Fixed an issue with deleting a layer when using tabs.
[Fix][Win] Fixed a Windows printing bug when printing a printer centric drawing
without first opening any other forms.
[Imp] The Free version now does a better job of showing what features require
the Basic or Pro versions.
[New][Pro] Added the ability to add a new grid layer.
[New][Pro] DXF files with multiple polyline entities can now import each entity
to a separate layer.
[New] Floating Layer Info boxes can now have a solid/shaded background.
[New] Right-Clicking on a Floating Layer Info box now allows you to select it as
the current layer, hide it, or hide all other layer info boxes.
[New] Floating endpoint boxes can now be highlighted with the layer's fill
[New] Floating lists can now be edited by right-clicking on them.
[New] Added the ability to right-click on a layer to center and zoom to that
[New] Floating Text Blocks can now have a transparent background.
[New] Floating Text Blocks can now be edited by right-clicking on them.
[Chg] No longer relies on QuickTime for saving pictures.
[Fix] Minor update.
[New] KML Importing can now import all layers in a KML file at once.
[New][Pro] Endpoint x,y can now show decimal points.
[New][Pro] The floating endpoint list can now show decimal points for x,y
[New] Added the ability to scale a background image by measuring the image's
scale marker.
[New] Added the ability to resize the background image.
[New] Replaced MSR Maps with 3rd Party Imaging.
[Fix] Fixed a redraw issue on the background picture editing form when using
[New] The Screen Centric printing form now allows the user to adjust the
drawing's offset and scale to better fit in the printing window.
[New] The About Box can now show the last four digits of the serial number and
renewal codes.
[New] Floating pictures can now set their z-level to background.
[New] Added the ability to find a curves radius from a tangent length and delta
[New] Added USGS National Map Viewer as a target for map images.
[Imp] The DMS Angle to Decimal Angle calculator can now handle angles such as
"87 degrees 36 minutes 09 seconds".
[Imp] The Chord Bearing curve entry can now handle bearings such as "South 87
degrees 36 minutes 09 seconds East".
[New] Added the ability to enter calls as azimuths and distance (Z 215:10:15
[New][Pro] Added the ability to align layers via Lat/Long.
[New][Pro] Added the ability to approximate the radius of a curve from the chord
length and arc length.
[New][Pro] Added the ability to include leading invisible calls when creating a
reversed call layer.
[New] Added the ability to get a total of interior/exterior angles for a layer.
[New] Added the x,y offset values to the Set Layer Offset form and to the
Floating Layer Info form.
[New] The View All Layers X,Y form can now set all layers to the same x,y
[New] Added the ability to convert the unit type for all line calls in the
current layer.
[New] Added the ability to replace the unit type for all line calls in the
current layer.
[New] The Call from Two Endpoints form can now copy the call to the clipboard.
[New] The Azimuth to Bearing calculator will now handle minutes and seconds
[New] Bearing calls can now be converted to Azimuth calls.
[New] Added triangle waypoint icons.
[New] Section Finder can now save/print the picture even when no section calls
are present as long as a grid overlay or text checkbox is selected
[New] The layer order list now shows invisible layers in red.
[Fix] Rotating a layer now keeps precision for values less than a foot.
[Fix] Right-Clicking on a call to set the call label now works for all call
[Fix] Fixed an issue with "I" angles entered on the main window that contained
fractional feet.
[Fix] Fixed an issue with floating text blocks not showing up properly on the
bottom half of the screen.
[Fix] Fixed an issue with floating pictures when x,y waypoints were also in use.
[Fix] Fixed an issue with creating New layers resetting the drawing level
settings back to the saved defaults for a drawing.
[Fix] Fix an issue with saving settings.
[New][Pro] Added the ability to calculate the area of a layer based on line
[New] Internal angles can now be converted to bearing calls.
[New][Pro] The background picture rotation can now be adjusted on the background
picture form.
[New][Pro] Can now calculate a layer's declination based on two calculated
points and two measured points.
[New] The background image can now be moved without having to tie it to a layer
and move the layer.
[New][Win] The SPCS form can now open .txt files.
[Imp] The Section Finder can now handle exceptions that are entered on the
right-hand side as well as on the left.
[Fix] Changing the unit type now marks the file as dirty.
[Fix][OSX] Fixed a potential ErrorCreatingToolbar bug.
[Chg][OSX] Fixed a potential permissions issue with saving preferences and
registration information.
[New][Bas] The main window can now accept section calls and route them to the
Section Finder.
[New][Pro] The main window can now accept section calls and create a metes and
bounds drawing from it.
[New] Added the %d placeholder that returns todays date.
[New] The title block form can now set the data to the new dynamic date or to a
custom date.
[New] Added the "Return to POB" option to the Data Entry forms line direction
[New] Added the ability to hide or delete the original layer when creating a new
layer by rotation.
[Fix] When exporting to KML, the lat/long values will be converted to US
formatted decimals.
[Imp] The Section Finder can now accept calls in this format: "E 1/2 of SW 1/4
of SE 1/4".
[New][Pro] Added the ability to create x,y waypoints from a layers name and area
[New] Added %12 and %13 placeholders: layer name and area.
[New][Pro] Added the ability to set a layer's POB lat/long value from another
layer's endpoint lat/long with the option to rotated the layer first.
[New][Pro] Added the merge layers tool.
[New][Pro] Added the ability to create a new layer that reverses the direction
of the selected layers calls.
[New][Pro] The rotation value on the KML export can now be entered by hand.
[New][Pro] When exporting to KML, each layer can now have its own rotation
[New][Pro] X,Y CSV files can now be imported by the SPCS import form.
[New][Pro] Added the ability to import call lists in the form of "Ln n12e;
[New] Added the ability to enter calls in the Compass Point Heading Format (NExN
[Fix] Exporting as KML now remembers the users last settings better.
[Fix] Creating a rotated layer no longer changes the user entered angle value.
[Fix] After creating a new custom layer, the cancel button now changes to close.
[Fix] The add new layer box now closes after right-clicking to create a new
"return to call" layer.
[Fix] Fixed an issue with opening a saved file with a layer that has no name.
[Fix] The main canvas no longer expands past the status bar if the centric popup
menu is used to choose the exiting setting before choosing the opposite setting.
[Fix] The auto-scale/zoom feature now works even if there is a layer with no
calls in it.
[Imp] Importing x,y points can now handle files with quotes and internal commas.
[Imp] When opening and saving layers, the layer name being created/saved is now
shown in the statusbar. This is for drawings with a large number of layers.
[Chg] Added additional information to the registration forms.
[Fix] Title Block style #4 no longer includes the number of calls in the
calculation used for determining the height of the title block.
[Fix] No longer pops up extra messages when doing certian Lat/Long calculations.
[Fix] The call drawing tool now works properly when a layer has been moved via
the mouse.
[New] The toolbar can now be customized.
[New][Pro] Added the call drawing tool.
[New] Added title block style 5.
[New] The default drawing origin can now be set in the preferences.
[New] Floating text blocks can now have their font set.
[New] The large plot checkbox now increases the amount that the plot can be
zoomed into as well as zooming out.
[New] Now looks online for available updates.
[New] Exporting a call list can now include the unit type.
[New] Added Tutorial #7.
[Fix] Title Block styles 3 and 4 no longer take invisible layers into account
when deciding how tall to draw the title block.
[Imp] Added more keyboard shortcuts to common menu items.
[Imp] Can now use Close, Auto Close or Autoclose to create a call that returns
to the POB.
[Chg] New icon for data entry form. Old data entry form icon is now used for
call drawing tool.
[New] The SPCS to Layer form now sets the layers POB x,y if the SPCS values are
in feet.
[New] QuickTime can be bypassed when saving a picture by holding down the
control key.
[New][Pro] A call can now be set to be the POB call by right-clicking on it in
the call list.
[New] The SPCS to metes and bounds call can now import a P,Y,X,Z CSV file.
[New] Can now export endpoint x,y coordinates as a P,Y,X,Z CSV file.
[Fix] Fixed an issue with the scrollbars causing layers to jump to the clicked
corner instead of scrolling.
[Fix][OSX] Exporting a snapshot when QT is not installed now saves the image as
png instead of pict.
[Fix][OSX] Exporting a section finder picture now saves the image as png instead
of pict.
[Fix][Lnx] Will now bring up the Linux Registration form when registering from
the Drawing Wizard.
[Fix] The labeling on the SPCS to Layer form is now correct.
[New] Layers can now be hidden by right-clicking on them and choosing Hide Layer
from the popup menu.
[New] Added the ability to find the metes and bounds call between any two
endpoints of a layer.
[New] Added the ability to pull a lat/long value from any layer's endpoint
lat/long when setting a layers POB Lat/Long.
[New] The SPCS to MAB Call form can now accept entries in feet.
[New] Can now create a new layer from a series of SPCS values.
[Fix] Improved KML Import.
[Fix] The area calculation under the Calculate menu now respect the View
Settings decimal points setting.
[Fix] Fixed an issue with floating endpoint lists not showing the POB lat/long.
[Imp] Updated the routine for calculating the distance between two lat/long
[Imp] Calculating a lat/long point from a point and a line now uses the
Haversine formula instead of the Rhumb line.
[Imp] The endpoint to POB lat/long convertor now uses the Haversine formula
instead of the Rhumb line.
[Imp] Converting Section Finder to MAB with Lat/Long now uses the Haversine
formula instead of the Rhumb line.
[New] Added a way to enter calls in a "word processing" style editor.
[New][Pro] Added the ability to create a new layer from an existing layer based
on the Compass Rule for closing errors.
[New][Pro] Added the ability to export Compass Rule data for a layer.
[New][Pro] Entering "Curve" will now bring up the curve entry form.
[New][Pro] Added the ability to import certain types of DXF files.
[New] Added the ability to enter calls as internal angles.
[New] Added the ability to print the call lists.
[New] Added Title Block Style 4. This title block shows plot information for
each layer, but does not show any of the layers calls.
[New] Added an interface for editing the call labels.
[New][Pro] Most curve entries can now be entered in meters.
[New][Pro] Added the ability to show endpoints as + signs.
[New][Pro] Added the ability to show endpoint "external angles"
[New] Added the plus sign and the box waypoint icons.
[New][Pro] Can now create x,y waypoints for either the internal or external
angles only.
[New][Pro] Can now duplicate an x,y waypoint.
[New][Pro] Can now create x,y waypoints from endpoint station numbers.
[New][Pro] Entering "Line" will now bring up the line entry form.
[New][Pro] Entering "POB" will now create a call that returns to the POB.
[New][Pro] Entering "@" will now bring up the new layer form. Entering @,
followed by a name will create a new layer with that name.
[New] Invisible calls can now be created by using a leading "/"
[New] Distance unit types can now be defined by entering the full distance type
text when adding a call.
[Fix] Updated the google maps link so that passing the lat/long to google maps
now works again.
[Fix] Fixed an issue with creating a new return to call layer when the current
layer wasn't the first layer.
[Fix] The floating call list "show call number" checkbox now shows the correct
[Fix] The letter H can now be entered in the main call entry box as long as the
shift-key is being pressed.
[Fix] Adding a Missing Call using the Data Entry form no longer permanently
disables the length field.
[Chg] Title Block style 3 now marks invisible calls with / instead of *.
[Chg] Import X,Y to Layer now automatically uses the current layer if the
current layer has no calls and creates a new layer if the current layer contains
calls. The user use to be prompted.
[Chg] Exporting to DXF now exports up to 3 decimal points in all formats.
[Chg] Adding x,y mid-line waypoints with calls now uses the display text instead
of the call text.
[New] Added the ability to see the original layer along side the suggested layer
change on the layer analyzer tool.
[Fix] Selecting Analyze Layer from the right-click popup menu will now analyze
the right-clicked layer instead of analyzing the current layer.
[New][Pro] Added the ability to Analyze a Layer for options to fix closing errors.
[New] Rotating the background picture can now be entered in degrees.
[New][Pro] When creating a rotated layer, the call labels can now be set to the un-rotated layer calls.
[New] The main call list now shows the call labels.
[New] Floating Call Lists can now show the call labels.
[New][Pro] Added a menu to the call list right-click menu to create a new return to
call layer from the selected call.
[Fix] Layers with fill turned off will no longer have their fill turned on when
opening a saved file when the new layer default fill is set to on.
[Chg] Single layer DXF export type is now selectable during export instead of
part of the software preferences.
[New][Pro] Added the floating layer info list.
[New][Pro] Added the ability to draw a circle of radius R around a x,y waypoint.
[New][Pro] Added the ability to draw a circle of radius R around a lat/long
[New][Pro] Added Import menus for many of the importing options.
[New][Pro] Added the export Lat/long as GPX and CSV menus to the main File menu.
[New][Pro] The Section Finder can now show N/S/E/W Directions.
[New] The title block's date can now be cleared by holding down the control key.
[New] The preferences now shows a preview of what the default settings look
like. Clicking on the preview will show a larger sample of the preview.
[New][Fix] New drawing defaults can now be saved.
[Chg] When exporting endpoint x,y values, the file name will now default to .csv
if set to comma sep values.
[Chg][OSX] No longer supports PPC.
[New][Pro] Can now import Section Finder data sent from the iPad version.
[New][Pro] Added the ability to export the "unused" section finder data to the
iOS Pro file.
[New][OSX] Is now code signed for Mountain Lion's Gatekeeper.
[New] Right-clicking on the lat/long waypoint icon or label will now present the
edit lat/long waypoint menu.
[New] Right-clicking on the x,y waypoint icon will now present the edit waypoint
[New][Pro] Lat/Long waypoints can now have their fonts changed.
[New] Title blocks style 2 and 3 can now hide the filename.
[New] Added the Convert Offset to Call menu option.
[New] Line calls can now be shown as the line number.
[New] Added the Bad or Missing Call menu option to the data entry form.
[New][Pro] Added the ability to add floating pictures to a drawing. Floating
pictures can be moved and resized using the mouse.
[New][Pro] Added the ability to convert an auto-center drawing to a "center of"
[New] The iOS Basic and Pro exports now allow +/- angles to be exported.
Requires v1.3.0 of the iOS Pro version and v1.7.0 of the iOS Basic version.
[New] Added the ability to convert an "Auto-Center" drawing into a "Center of
Drawing" drawing.
[Fix] X,Y Waypoint labels now show the selected font color.
[Fix] Fixed an error when displaying line calls on poorly formed L/R curve
[Imp] The ball waypoints now have a better mask.
[Fix][Win] Resolved a number of Windows printing issues.
[New] The background picture scale is now limited to 30 miles instead of 20
miles if the Enable Large Scale preference is checked.
[New] Can now export and import all layer call lists instead of just the current
[New] Floating call lists can now be double columned.
[New] Floating call lists can now show the call number.
[Fix] Layer caption fonts will now return to their saved settings if the layer
caption forms cancel button is pressed.
[Fix] Layer line colors will now return to their saved color if the layer line
forms cancel button is pressed.
[Fix] If a saved font cannot be found, the font will now default to Arial.
[Fix] Fixed several places when entering a curve that the chord length could
exceed the diameter of the circle being described.
[Fix] The proper layer will be reselected when renaming a layer while using
[Fix] Exporting to KML no longer includes "view view" as part of the file name.
[Chg] Removed "System" font as an option because it doesn't work properly with
[Chg] "System" fonts are now changed to Arial.
[Chg] Updated Tutorial #3 to show using x,y waypoints to avoid overlapping line
[New] Title Block Style 3 now offers several text hi-lighting options.
[New] KML export can now do filled polygons.
[Fix] The Background color preference now works again.
[Fix] Title Block Style 3 now does a better job of filling the block with calls
before adding more call rows.
[Fix] Improved MSR Maps error handling.
[Fix] When exporting all layers as KML, the export waypoints checkbox is no
longer ignored.
[New] Added sq. km. to the area options on the view settings form.
[New] Can now set the scale of the background image from a World File.
[New] Added a UTM to Lat/Long Calculator.
[New] Title Block Style 3 now includes the closing ratio.
[New] POB Lat/Long values can now be set via UTM data and World Files.
[Fix][Win] Fixed an issue with the main screen copyright notice being clipped.
[Chg] If a plot fully closes the closing error ratio now returns "-/-".
[Chg] The closing error calculator now longer shows the "less than an inch"
[New] Added Title Block Style 3. Similar to style 2, except: This title block
fills the entire page horizontally and resizes vertically. It shows the calls
and layer information for all visible layers, up to half the size of the
[New] Added a menu option for stopping all layer movement via the mouse.
[New][Pro] Added the ability to export all layer lat/long waypoints as GPX.
[New][Pro] Added the ability to rotate the custom x,y waypoint labels.
[New][Pro] The X,Y waypoint form's create points from line mid points with calls
option will now create inline calls if the layers calls inline box is checked.
[Fix] Text in the title blocks now clip to the title box again when printing.
[Fix] No longer shows the splash screen if only the title box is showing.
[Fix] Fixed an issue with lat/long waypoints not exporting as gpx properly.
[Fix] Improved the way that the msr map form handles errors.
[Chg] The preferences now offer additional options on how to configure the
scroll wheel/gestures functionality.
[Chg][Win] Fonts now default to Arial and bold.
[Fix] Changed references from terra-server to msrmaps.
[Fix] Removed the non-working terra server menu from the background image form.
[Lnx] First Linux release.
[New][Pro] Each X,Y Waypoint description can now have its own font.
[New] Rotated Text is no longer bitmap based.
[New] Printer Centric drawings now have scrollbars for scrolling through parts
of the drawing that are too large to fit on the screen.
[New][Pro] Added additional options to the Section Finder for exporting section
data as metes and bounds calls.
[New][Pro] KML Exporting can now export all layers.
[New][Pro] The KML export can now choose the altitude mode.
[New][Pro] The KML export now saves the last settings used.
[Fix] The data entry form will now accept seconds that are > 59 but < 60.
[Fix] Now does a better job of drawing call lengths/text in-line with lines when
the layers line width is different than the default line width.
[Fix] Fixed an issue where the Scale and Center all Layers option could get
caught in an endless loop.
[Fix] The Scale and Center all Layers option now works in printer centric mode.
[Fix] The Scale Current Layer to Window option now works in printer centric
[Fix] The font picker now defaults to Arial (point 12) if the saved font and
size cannot be found.
[Fix] Can now export layers with colons in their name as KML.
[Fix] Fixed a drawing sizing issue that would occur if the same drawing
printer/screen centric was chosen repeatedly.
[Chg] Removed the New Plot tab on the preferences. The options listed on the tab
were falling behind the actual available options and the tab was redundant with
the rest of the configuration tools. New Layer Defaults can now be set based on
the settings of the current drawing's current layer. This allows for many more
of the layer settings to be preset.
[Chg] Many of the layer caption fonts now default to bold as bold tends to look
better on screen with the new non-bitmap based rotated text.
[Chg] The x,y end point calculation form now uses the endpoint x,y values
instead of calculating its own values.
[Opt] The speed at which layer movement scrollbars scroll is no longer based on
processor speed. Scrollbars can now be used with Printer Centric drawings.
[New] Calculating the closing error can now be done in any unit of measurement.
[New][Pro] Calculating the closing error can now create 3 separate labels
instead of just a single label.
[New] The perimeter can now be calculated as any unit type.
[New] The calculated perimeter can now be used to create a layer label.
[New] Added perimeter calculations to the % placeholders.
[New] Added the alignment tool menu. This allows for point-n-click layer
[New] Clicking on the scale indicator will now toggle between feet and meters.
[New] The custom scale can now be set using any unit type instead of just feet.
[New] Added a preference for defaulting to meters when available.
[New] The show x,y coordinate form can now show values in the selected unit.
[New] The sub-plot area calculator now includes square meters.
[New] The layer area caption can now be set to square meters.
[New] The Section Finder can now create a new drawing based on all of the
sections and not just a single section.
[New] The Section Finder can now create areas with transparency.
[New] Floating Endpoint Lists can now show Lat/Long in decimal.
[Fix] Fixed an issue where the scale tape wasn't drawing the bottom line if the
screen border was set to draw.
[Fix] The Section Finder now does a better job of centering the selection
[Fix] The Section Finder will once again set the background image to be visible
when creating a new drawing from a section.
[Chg] The export x,y points form now converts to the selected unit prior to
adding in the x,y offset values.
[Chg] Changed the value for converting meters to feet from 3.2808 to 3.2808399
[New] The Section Finder can now save a picture of the screen when viewing all
[New][Pro] The Section Finder can now calculate the plotted area of a section.
[New][Pro] The Section Finder can now calculate the plotted area of all of the
visible sections.
[New][Pro] The Section Finder can now show the plotted area on the section
[New] The Section Finder can now print.
[New] The Section Finder's screen is now 30% larger.
[New][Pro] Added N/S/E/W Quarter Corners to the Data Entry Form's Corner tab.
[New] The Show Current Layer's Description can now export the description as a
text file.
[Fix] The Show Current Layer's Description window can now handle descriptions
that would have been longer than the screen size.
[Chg][Pro] When setting the background picture from the Section Finder, the
background image will now set to scaled on the Pro version.
[Chg] Renamed the Copy Layer Description as Text menu to Show Current Layer's
Description and moved it to the Calculate menu.
[New] The crop picture form can now be resized.
[New] The crop picture form now uses the Standard crosshairs cursor.
[New] Background pictures can now be set from the clipboard.
[New] Added the "Enable Large Scales" preference. This changes the maximum scale
by a factor of 20x. It also removes size checks on calls created using the
Lat/Long to Layer function. However, it renders the scale slider nearly useless.
So scales will need to be set using the popup scale menu.
[New] Added the ability to send the lat/long coordinates on the terra server
form to Google earth/maps and to mytopo.com.
[Fix][Win] Will now print in hi-res when the "inline" boxes are checked as long
as the "show" boxes aren't checked.
[Fix] Clearing the current layers calls no longer disables the labels and title
block buttons.
[Fix] Curve calls with extra spaces in them can now be edited.
[Chg] Microsoft TerraServer form now points to msrmaps.com
[Chg] Endpoint Graphics are now vector based instead of bitmap based. This is
primarily so that windows printing can use the higher-res printing when
endpoints are being shown.
[Opt] North Arrow styles 1 and 5 are now more "vector" based and less "line art"
[Opt] The scale tape is now more Vector based instead of line art based.
[Fix] Fixed a potential error that could occur when trying to print, but no
other windows had been opened yet.
[Chg][Win] Due to an issues with printing properly to the printer object on
Windows, the software will now revert to printing via the Print Picture function
when the drawing contains any of the following elements: a picture background,
watermark text, in-line or rotated text, layer flood fill, end point dots,
endpoint sweeping angles and lat/long and x,y waypoints that use any icon other
than the blank icon.
[Chg][Win] The screen centric print preview screen will now limit windows users
to Print Picture functions if the drawing uses features that will fail to print
properly on Windows.
[Chg] The background visible flag now defaults to false.
[Chg] When loading a background image from a file, the visible flag is now set
to true.
[Opt] Will no longer draw the "blank" x,y and lat/long waypoints even though it
is "blank".
[Chg] Modified the way that the floating endpoint list was being drawn. This is
to work around the endpoint list not printing for some Windows users. It also
addressed a printing issue effecting all users when the paper size was set
extremely small.
[Chg] Updated the Print Preview window to show that the last two print options
are the same as choosing Print Picture...
[Chg] Choosing Simple from the Drawing Wizard will now set the drawing to
Printer Centric.
[Chg][Win] Will now use the "slower" fill routine when printing on Windows
because it works better with the hi-res printing where the faster fill routine
does not.
[Chg] Changed the way that floating text blocks are drawn. This way is more
compatible with the hi-res printing routines under Windows.
[Fix][Win] The new printing routine now does a better job of observing the page
setup information.
[New] Added a Print Picture option to the print preview screen. This is because
some Windows users have reported that not all elements (title block, north
arrow) print properly using the new print engine.
[Chg] Modified the way that the title blocks where being drawn so as to work
around the title blocks not printing for some windows users.
[Chg] The original north arrow is now vector based instead of bitmap based.
[New] Added the ability to export to iOS Metes and Bounds Basic files (.imabf).
[New] Added the ability to import/export iOS Metes and Bounds Pro files (.ipmabf).
[Fix] Fixed an issue where the call length was showing a ? when the call was
converted from a ? to an actual call.
[New] Most printing options now produce higher quality printouts.
[New] Added a Printer Centric view.
[New] The Screen Centric view now has a Print Preview screen.
[New] The Title Block can now use the % placeholders.
[New] Added several additional North Arrow styles.
[Fix] Improved the routine used for drawing in-line line captions.
[Fix] The Style 2 Title Block caption is now filled in when the title block form
[Fix] Will now show a page setup dialog if no page setup information is
available when the Show Printer Watermark menu is checked.
[Fix] Floating text blocks no longer draw a double thick border when the
drawing's border is checked.
[Fix] Saved files will once again return to the layer being used when saved.
[New] The X,Y and Lat/Long Descriptions now use the label placeholders (%n).
[New] Floating Text Blocks will now use the label placeholders (%n).
[New][Win] Now uses GDI+ for drawing the plot's lines. This allows for drawing
anti-aliased lines.
[Fix] Fixed an issue where the sliders might not move on the layer split tool.
[Fix] Fixed several issues that resulted in plots with curves not showing the
correct endpoint data on both the layer and the floating endpoint list.
[Fix] Endpoint sweeping arcs will now draw at the layers set size instead of all
layers drawing at the current layers set size.
[Fix] Fixed an issue with opening iPhone files that used the auto-close call.
[Chg] The # of decimals for showing area in the View Settings form will now
control the layer area caption as well.
[Chg] The # of decimals for showing area in the View Settings form will now
control the label placeholders as well.
[New][Pro] Add the ability to create a new layer by rotating or flipping an
existing layer.
[New][Pro] Can now import and export "n12.3456e 100" style call lists.
[New] Added a second style of Title Block.
[New] Added a preference for keeping the scale tape at 1".
[New] Added the ability to export a list of endpoint lat/long as a comma
delimited list.
[New] The View All Layers POBs option now works with Lat/Long too.
[New] Added the ability to scale and center all visible layers.
[Win][Fix] Made additional changes to printing to reduce the printing crash.
[Fix] Now handles canceling the page setup dialog better.
[Fix][Win] Fixed a bug that was causing old serial numbers to fail (apparently
only on Windows).
[New][Pro] Added the ability to add a "section" layer.
[New][Pro] Added the ability to create a "return to call" layer.
[New][Pro] Added the ability to right-click on a call and create a new,
invisible call to return to that call.
[New][Pro] Added the ability to right-click on a call and set a custom label for
that call. Uses the same settings as the Show Calls Option.
[New] Added a check menu to the Windows menu for showing the scrollbars.
[New] Added a right-click menu option to convert a unit of measurement from one
type to another.
[Fix] Now does a better job of factoring in the layer offsets when
saving/printing a "full" view.
[Chg] Changed the "Center" drawing origin to "Center of Drawing". This is a
wording change only.
[Wrk][Win] Disabled saving and restore the printer settings on Windows until a
fix can be found for the crashes that this started causing in v3.0.0.
[New] The terra server form window now allows Basic users to set the background
[New] Added an "Advanced" tab to the About Box, where users can find their
subscription version code for knowing which version they are eligible for.
[Fix] Fixed a crash that would occur when trying to use a "?" call in the
non-pro version.
[Fix] Endpoints will now show properly on curve calls.
[Fix] Fixed a crash that could occur while using the scrollbars and the mouse
moved off of the scrollbar arrows.
[Imp] The terra server form now does a better job of letting the user know when
there are network issues such as the terra server being busy.
[Imp] Does a better job of opening files sent from the iPhone version that
contains curves.
[Wrk][Win] Holding down the P key while starting the app will keep the app from
setting the printer setup prefs. This works around a problem that showed up in
[New] Added new waypoint icons.
[New] The drawing can now be set to hide the endpoint data for the non-current
[New] The X,Y Waypoints form now has the ability to assign a waypoint to an
[New] The X,Y Waypoints form now has the ability to mark a waypoints description
as visible when adding the waypoint.
[New][Pro] Added the ability to include a watermark on the drawing.
[New] The software now keeps track of the unit of measurement and the actual
length entered for lines instead of forcing all units to feet.
[New] Now when editing a line the edit form will show the original unit type and
distance that was entered instead of show the values in feet.
[New] The software will now detect when it is opening a file that was created
with a new version of the software and warn the user that some saved settings
may be lost.
[New][Pro] Added the ability to save snapshots. This allows the user to save the
current view as a picture that can be pulled up and viewed again later.
[New] Added the ability to pull images from Microsoft's Terra Server.
[New] Floating Call Lists can now show, hide or mark invisible calls.
[New][Pro] Added the Tabs feature. Currently Off by default.
[New][Pro] The show endpoint coordinates for can now choose up to 5 decimal
[New] Allowing the scroll wheel to adjust the scale is now a preference.
[New] The registration forms now include a link for lost serial numbers.
[Fix] The Title Block and Drawing Label buttons are no longer disabled if the
last call is removed from the call list.
[Fix] When editing other calls from the Data Entry form, the Call Visible
checkbox will now change according to the calls visibility setting.
[Fix] When choosing "Keep Other Layers Hidden" from the Layer's menu, the
non-current layers will now become invisible instead of waiting until another
layer is made active first.
[Fix] When exporting all layers as DXF, the x,y offsets will now be handled
[Fix] When using the scroll wheel to adjust the scale, it will no longer flip
from the lowest scale to the highest scale.
[Chg] The waypoint icons are now shown in their own picker form instead of in a
popup menu.
[Chg] When choosing "Keep Other Layers Hidden" from the Layer's menu, the
layer's visible flag is no longer changed, the other layers are just not drawn
while this menu is checked.
[Chg] Text, endpoints and other data elements are now drawn on top of all plot
drawings. This is especially noticeable when using multiple layers.
[Chg] Changed menu "Keep Other Layers Hidden" to say "Hide Non-Current Layers"
[Chg] Changed menu "Hide Other Layers" to say "Hide Non-Current Layers"
[Chg] Changed the wording of the show/hide all/other layers menus.
[Chg] The main window's call list will now show the unit type.
[Chg] The floating call list will now show the unit type and distance as entered
unless it is set to show only a specific unit type.
[Chg] The Background picture form can now load pictures from snapshots and from
the terra server form.
[Chg] Moved the Section Finder toolbar icon into the "data entry" area of the
[Chg] Now requires Windows 2000 or above.
[Fix] Improved the precision of plots with curves.
[Fix] DMS curves that contain a leading 0 for the degree, such as "09" now work
[Fix] Fixed a crash that could occur if the font name for a list/label/etc. in
the saved file was blank.
[Fix] Fixed an error opening a file sent via the iPhone that contained an
Auto-Close call.
[New] Added the ability to open files sent by the iPhone version of Metes and
[New] The scale tape can now be set to any of the other units of measurement
instead of just feet.
[New] Floating Text Blocks can now be configured to show the border or not.
[New] The Floating Call List font is now configurable.
[Fix] Curve labels will no longer show/hide based on the scale of the drawing.
[Fix] Line length labels will now show the proper length when the drawing
contains curves.
[Chg] The splash screen will now show "Expired Basic" or "Expired Pro" instead
of just "Expired" when using a newer version with an expired serial number.
[Fix] Fixed an error when opening a file that contained an empty label.
[Fix] Fixed a crash that could occur when the cancel button was pressed on the
floating text form.
[Fix] The "copy legal description" menu option will no longer duplicate calls
when there are invisible starting calls.
[New] Added the ability to set a layer's POB Lat/Long from any endpoints
[Fix] The Data Entry Mode menu is now unchecked when the mode is canceled by
using the Data Entry Form.
[Fix] The call entry on the Project Waypoint form can now parse the same call
formats as the main form's call entry field.
[Fix] The align layers form will no longer produce an error if one of the layers
being aligned contains no calls.
[Fix] The align layers form can now align to the layer's last endpoint.
[Fix] Showing the last endpoint on a layer with only 1 call now shows the last
endpoint as point 1 instead of POB.
[Chg] Removed the tutorial sub menus and replaced them with a tutorials web
[Chg] Updated Tutorial #1 for use with v2.8.2.
[Chg] Updated Tutorial #2 for use with v2.8.2 and added an option KML Export
[Chg] Updated Tutorial #5 for use with v2.8.2.
[New] Added Tutorial #6 - Working with Multiple Sections.
[Fix] The "has data" flag is now set/cleared when changing layers via the layer
popup. Some menu options weren't being set correctly when the layer changed and
not all layers contained calls.
[Fix] The Endpoint toolbar item will no longer bring up the form if the endpoint
menu and BevelButton are disabled.
[Chg] The Lat/Long to Layer form now calculates all point from the POB and not
from the endpoint of the previous line. This makes the lat/long to mab back to
lat/long more precise.
[New] Added the ability to use a ? for a missing call.
[New][Pro] Added the ability to use up to 9 different ranges in the Section
[New] When viewing the layer closure data, you can now create a layer label from
this data.
[New] X,Y waypoint labels can now be edited by right-clicking on them on the
[New] The area can now be displayed with 0-5 decimal points instead of just 2.
[New][Pro] The endpoint x,y points can now be set to show other units of
measurement besides just feet.
[New][Pro] Added the ability to add a floating text blocks to the drawing
[New] The measurement tool now shows the call of the measurement line.
[New] Added the ability to create a new call from the measurement line.
[New] Added a new drawing wizard.
[New] The Lat/Long waypoint form can now create waypoints from the endpoints.
[New] Can now parse line data in the form of "n33.4455e 100".
[New] Now, when the user moves the mouse over a layer x,y point label and the
label has a blank icon, the software will show a temporary icon so that the user
knows where to grab the label in order to move it.
[New][Pro] Added the ability to import KML files into the Lat/Long to Layer
[New] Added the ability to rotate the layer name and layer area captions.
[New] When adding calls via the main forms call box, appending a "v" for varas
or "m" for meters to the call length is now supported in most cases.
[New] Added a form for setting layer visibility.
[New] The drawing will now change scale with the mouse scroll wheel.
[New] Holding down the control & shift keys now brings up scrollbars that can be
used to move all of the layers at once.
[Fix] The Scale Current Layer to Window function now does a better job of
setting the scale properly when hidden lines are used.
[Fix] Deleting the last line from the Data Entry form now marks the drawing as
[Fix] The floating endpoint list will now show the proper number of endpoints
when the plot contains back-to-back curves.
[Fix] Saving/Printing a "full" picture now does a better job of aligning the
background and the layers if they are pinned to the bottom right (and probably
other pinnings).
[Chg] When right-clicking on the drawing, changed "Enter Labels" to "Enter
Drawing Labels"
[Chg] The DMS display fields on the POB lat/Long form are now a little longer.
[Chg] The scale tape is now drawn if selected even if no calls have been entered
[Chg] The north arrow is now drawn if selected even if no calls have been
entered yet.
[Chg] X,Y Coordinates are now shown in a listbox instead of a message box. This
allow the user to scroll through the list if the list is too large to fit on the
screen. This new form also includes an export button.
[Chg] Will now draw a "red x" icon in either the lower left or lower right
corner of the drawing if the current scale causes the background to not be able
to draw.
[Chg] The custom width/height background scale labels will now turn red if the
values entered are too large.
[Chg] Increased the background size limit from 99999 to 105600 (20 miles).
[Win] Floating lists no longer move when WindowsKey-D is pressed.
[Chg] Changed the 31680 background size limit to 99999.
[Fix][OSX] The Entry Form's Add Line button will no longer be disabled when the
drawings origin is set to something other than Auto-Center.
[New] Added the ability to import lat/long values from a delimited text file for
the Lat/Long to Layer tool.
[New] Added the ability to limit the number of decimal points used by the
Lat/Long Calculators Get Coordinates button.
[Fix] The floating endpoint list will now show E/W instead of N/S for the
Longitude value.
[Fix] Will no longer crash loading a saved file if the drawing label font name
is blank.
[Fix] The Lock Layer button on the Background form will now be enabled properly.
[Fix] Fixed a rounding issue on the Data Entry form when converting to from
another unit of measurement to feet.
[Fix] Fixed a rounding issue on the unit conversion form when converting to from
another unit of measurement to another.
[Chg] Improved the precision of the routine that converts decimal to DMS. This
improves the accuracy of the DMS values displayed for Lat/Long.
[Chg] The KML export form now says "Export Lat/Long Waypoints"
[Chg] When opening the Lat/Long Calculator, the layer popup menu will now
default to the selected layer on the main window.
[Chg] The lat/long to layer form now prompts for creating a new layer, appending
to the existing layer or clearing and use the current layer.
[Opt] Improved the performance of the dot based flood fills.
[OSX] Fixed the floating call list height.
The floating call list form will now update the drawing in real-time.
The floating call list can now be drawn in the same color as the layer's fill
The Floating call list can now show the layer's name.
Other floating call lists can now be hidden by right-clicking on a call list.
Added a floating list for endpoints.
Endpoints can now show only the internal angle.
Endpoints can now show a "sweeping arc".
Endpoints now show POB properly on plots that don't close.
Endpoints can now choose to show the last points data or not.
X,Y to Layer form can now enter directions such as N100 or W 50.
X,Y to Layer form can now supply the layer name.
Added the ability to rotate the KML output.
Project Waypoint can now use lat/long/call.
Split Tool:
- Now shows calls.
- Precision is no longer based on the drawing's scale.
- Call order no longer limited to the first split point being before the 2nd
point in the call list.
- Can now enter in values like "split at the 500ft mark" or "project line at
this bearing".
- Now works with plots that contain hidden calls.
- Now works with plots that contain curves.
Lines can now be drawn in styles other than just dashed.
Added a tool for reducing a layer's closure gap by adjusting line lengths.
Added a Bounded Line tab to the Data Entry form. This allow you to add a line of
unknown length that is bounded by a layer.
Added a calculator for finding the area of a layer, minus a set of sub-layers.
Added a tool for finding the lengths of 2 lines that will close a plot when
given two bearings, but no lengths.
Added a tool for aligning layers by their endpoints.
Convert Lat/Long to Layer form can now supply a layer name.
Changed the ... buttons to popup menu arrows on many forms.
Calls in the form of N 95.5 will now keep their decimal value.
The background picture will now stop being drawn (again) if the scale size
exceeds +- 32768 pixels.
The background picture form now contains the custom scale fields and uses the
menu popup to set common scales such as 1 mile.
Changing settings on the View Settings form now take place immediately.
Changing settings on the Line Captions form now take place immediately.
The Show Layer Area and Show Layer Area Acre/Feet settings are now saved
Improved the speed of saving files with large background images.
Now saves the actual background image data, if possible, instead of converting
the image and then saving that data. This should reduce the file size of saved
files that include a background.
The Drawing Labels and Title Block buttons are now active even if there are no
Added a popup menu for converting a +- angle call to a bearing calls and
Added the ability for a layers options to be applied to all other layers.
Non-Solid layer fills now work properly on non-white backgrounds.
Fixed a crash that would occur when creating x,y points from endpoint showing
the lat/long and the plot contained curves.
Now saves the X,Y Points visible flag in the saved file.
Will now properly reload text that contains characters such as the degree
Added a PopupArrow to the scale setting that shows a scale menu.
'Picture Full' now takes into account the floating call list placement and
background image scaling.
Fixed a crash bug when showing endpoint lat/long and the plot contains a curve.
Endpoint text is no longer effected by other text's fonts.
Floating Call List text is no longer effected by other text's fonts.
Floating Call Lists will now be drawn with the top Z order - as intended.
Can now accept lat/long in the form of DD:MM:SS.SS.
The GPX file exporter is now compatible with Garmin's Mapsource software.
Now uses a new format for showing the icon/version/etc. on a blank drawing.
The Segment Lines feature will now copy the x,y and POB lat/long and x,y offset
Many layer level menus are now properly enabled when multiple layers are being
used and the first layer has no calls.
Invisible drawing labels will no longer show up in the status bar when the
cursor moves over them.
Added a toolbar to the top of the main form.
Lines can now be set to dashed.
The X,Y to Layer form can now choose which unit of measurement the X,Y points
are in.
The X,Y to Layer form can now import a list of X,Y coordinates from a text file.
X,Y Coordinates can now be exported as any unit of measurement and with decimals
or rounded to nearest unit.
Background pictures can now be set to any custom scale.
Added the ability to set the Background picture offset to draw the top-left,
top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right at the center.
The Background Show Grid checkbox is now part of the saved file.
The background will no longer disappear when the scale gets too big.
When choosing the bottom/middle SE/4 on the backgrounds graphical picker, the
background popupmenu will now be set correctly.
Renamed the POB entry tab to Corner to more accurately represent what it does.
The corner Entry Form will now present a different display if the drawing origin
isn't set to one of the corners.
Added the ability to right-click on a call to toggle its visibility.
Added the ability to see all POB X,Y values at once. Values for any layer can
also be changed on this form
Added "road not here" symbols to the waypoint symbol options.
Added a menu that contains all of the same options as the toolbar.
Added a watermark for showing what will fit on a single sheet of paper.
The layer caption font and other call/line fonts will no longer effect the
floating call list font.
Added the ability to show the area in the center of each layer.
In-Line calls will now listen to the font italic and underline settings.
Added the ability to choose to show calls and lengths in-line on a layer by
layer bases.
Added a status bar to the bottom of the main screen.
Fixed an issue where inline calls where too far from the horizontal lines when
the lengths weren't also being drawn.
Added Tutorial #5.
The scale text will now remove trailing commas too (instead of just periods).
This is to work around the possibility of the system being non-English.
The Windows menu now shows all open windows. Choosing one switches to that
Hiding the Floating_Call_List via the right-click menu works again.
When dragging floating call lists that overlap, the top one will drag first.
The fill gradient is now drawn first, so it will no longer cause the plots text
and lines to be washed out or to even disappear.
Endpoint angles for curves should now be correct (based on the angle made by the
bearing call).
Endpoint angles now show d'" instead of :::.
Fixed a bug introduced in 2.5.3 where several fields on the data entry form
would not accept data.
The POB Call entry fields are now enabled even if the drawing origin is not set
correctly. But the Add Call button will now check that the app is Pro and will
then present the user with a popup menu to change the drawing's origin.
Added a button to the layer's caption form making it easier to add a label to
the layer. This feature rides on the X,Y waypoint function.
Added a popup menu to the x,y to layer form to move a x,y point up/down.
Clearing all calls for a layer will no longer disable the background picture
Exporting All layers to DXF will now properly use the origin x,y settings as
long as the drawings origin is not set to auto-center.
Pressing Control-C while in a text box will no longer activate the forms default
End points can now show lat/long.
End Point angles can now be shown on 1 line instead of 2.
Moved the Show Layer X,Y Points Coords from the Tool menu to the Calculations
Layer offsets are now based on feet instead of pixels.
Exporting all layers as DXF when the drawing is set to Auto Center now exports
the layers in the proper locations.
Will now save the last selected layer and reselect that layer when the file is
X,Y Waypoints can now create endpoints using lat/long or angles as descriptions.
The floating call list font is no longer affected by the other caption fonts.
The Title Block can now be drawn in the bottom left or bottom right.
Fixed a bug when exporting to KML and the current layer doesn't have a lat/long.
When adding a new layer, you can now choose to have the new layers offset be set
to that of the previous layers.
The Offset Layer form can now be used to set a layer to the same offset as any
other layer.
Added the ability to open a saved file as a new layer.
The Section Finder can now create multiple aliquot parts. Each part can have its
own color and fill style. An optional grid can be layered over the drawing. The
grid can be broken into 1/4, 1/8 and 1/16. A new drawing can be created using
all of the layers from the Section Finder.
The Section Finder can now do "save/except" feet and acres.
The Section Finder now has fields for storing the Township/Range/Section.
The Section Finder information is now saved.
Added a button for the Section Finder to the Drawing tab.
Added the Segment Calls feature.
Added the ability to turn x,y values into a new layer.
Most of the Drawing level settings have been moved to their own form.
Added the POB tab to the Data Entry form.
Added three additional dot patterns to the layer fill options.
X,Y waypoint descriptions and icons can now be moved via the mouse.
Added the ability to lock all non-current layers.
Added the ability to unlock all layers.
The X,Y waypoints form can now send waypoints to the X,Y to Layer tool.
Fixed a bug when drawing the X,Y waypoints for a vertical line.
Fixed a bug when drawing the X,Y waypoints and the first call was invisible.
Fixed a bug in the Lat/Long waypoints to Layer routine.
The layer caption font no longer affects the floating call list font.
Fixed a potential crash when opening saved files that didn't contain some
additional font details.
Now if a call generates an error, the layer name is included in the error
The X,Y points will no longer draw in the wrong place if a layer's x,y origin is
set to something other than 0,0
[Win] When starting up for the very first time, the main window will now start
maximized. This should keep the window from starting up under the taskbar.
Regrouped the columns on the X,Y and Lat/Long waypoints forms into a better
order. Added additional shading to the columns to better differentiate between
which columns deal with the Icon and which deal with the description.
Checking for closure will now show the distance and angle of the error as well
as the closing call and the ratio between the closing error and the length of
the perimeter.
Added a graphical way to pick the background picture locking position.
Added the ability to Show/Hide all X,Y Point captions.
Added the ability to Set all X,Y points to the last chosen icon type.
Added an Apply button to the X,Y Points form.
Added the ability to offset the X,Y points description's in pixels.
When creating X,Y points from a line's midpoint, the description can now be
preset to the line's call.
Added the house icons to the list of waypoint icons.
Added tutorial #3.
The Layer Caption form will now remember the Show Caption checkbox setting.
The Show Grid checkbox will now clear the grid properly when the background is
set to scale to 1 mile.
Added the ability to set the font type/size/color/bold of layers different
Added the ability to set the font type/size/color/bold of the drawing's labels.
Added the ability to scale a background as 4 miles.
Improved the performance of opening the Background Picture form when the picture
is scaled really large (as in near the point of disabling itself).
The measurement tool is now only available once at least 1 line has been
Moved the layer fill options onto their own form.
Each layer fill can now have its own transparency setting.
Each layer fill can now choose to have the gradient or not.
Improved the performance of the layer fill feature - especially on large scale
Moved the line captioning options onto their own form.
The "show calls" option can now show the call lengths in any measurement unit.
Moved the floating call list options onto their own form.
You can now pick which units of measurement is used in the floating call list.
Each layer can now specify if its call list is shaded or not.
The drawing's labels can now be made visible/invisible.
Drawing the endpoint's x,y will now take into account the layer's origin x,y.
Waypoints can now have their description shown on the drawing.
Added a blank/clear waypoint icon.
Changed the wording of the POB x,y to Origin X,Y to more accurately state how it
Fixed the Delete Last button on the data entry form so that it functions
properly again.
Fixed a potential rounding issue when showing the endpoint's x,y.
Added the ability to export DXFs as polygons in addition to the previous lines
and polylines options.
Added a data entry mode that allows the user to pick if they are entering values
in feet, varas, meters, etc.
The data entry form no longer blocks angles from containing decimals when adding
Now handles angels like 45.0 without throwing an error message.
Added the ability to have only one layer visible at a time and when a new layer
is chosen, the other layers automatically hide.
[Bas] Each layer can now have a different line width.
[Bas] Each layer can now have a different line color.
[Bas] Line widths can now be set to scale to a certain size (in feet) - per
[Bas] Added a tool that will let you measure the distance between any two points
on the screen.
[Pro] Added the ability to copy/paste layers between drawings.
[Pro] The layer order can now be changed by right-clicking on the layer popup
menu and choosing change layer order.
[Pro] Added the ability to create X,Y based "waypoints".
[Pro] Curves can now be entered as chord bearings.
[Pro] Curves can now be entered as radial line.
[Pro] Added the ability to export as a KML file.
The Section Finder can now do irregular sections (ex: N 450 feet).
The Section Finder can now set the background picture even if the current layer
doesn't have any calls.
Fixed a bug where the background lock offset menu would duplicate menu options
when the Load Picture button was pressed.
Fixed a bug where the background lock offset button would wrongfully be enabled
after pressing the Load Picture button.
Added the ability to draw a grid over the background picture.
Added the ability to crop the background picture.
Added the ability to rotate the background picture.
The background picture button is now enabled even when no calls have been
entered yet.
Added the ability to import GPX (GPs eXachage) files as waypoints.
Waypoints can now be exported as a GPX file.
Now prompts before deleting all waypoints and lines.
Waypoints can now be marked with either a blue, green, yellow or red X or
similar colored balls, stars or flags.
Waypoints and tracks can now be made visible/invisible.
Added a menu option for converting the waypoints on the waypoints form into a
new layer.
Added the ability to set a layer's POB by clicking on a waypoint and choose Set
as POB from the popup menu.
The lat/long converter can create waypoints from the lat/long coordinates.
The Lat/Long converter can now save its lat/long coordinates as a GPX file.
The Lat/Long converter can now edit the point captions by clicking on them in
the list.
The Lat/Long to Layer form can now import a GPX file.
The lat/long calculator can now set the current layer's POB from Point #2.
The Lat/Long to Layer Converter can now have descriptions for the points.
The Lat/Long to Layer Converter can now delete all points.
The Lat/Long to Layer Converter can now move points up/down the list by
right-clicking on a point and choosing the up/down menu.
If the current layer is empty, the Lat/Long to Layer Converter will now ask if
it should create a new layer or use the existing layer.
Added the ability project a way point to the lat/long converter, lat/long to
layer and waypoints/tracks forms.
Added several tutorials to the Help menu.
Added the ability to input lat/long in the N46 23.456 W86 45.32 format.
Each layer can now have different colored end points.
Will now show the total area of all layers even if the currently selected layer
has an area of zero.
Adding a new layer will no longer set the drawing options to the default "new
drawing" options.
Added the Project Waypoint calculator to the calculation menu.
Duplicating a layer will now copy the x and y offsets, waypoints and tracks.
Fixed a bug where end point numbers with curves were very large.
Now when entering a curve via the chord length -> arc length form, the
deg/min/sec fields are cleared out. This way, when editing a curve, the changes
made via the chord form will take effect instead of just keeping the degree info
that was already present.
Fixed a bug where different layers could not be set to show different line
length units.
Fixed a calculation bug when showing the area for all visible layers.
Will no longer crash when drawing a filled layer. Instead, it will Temporarily
disable filling the layer.
Duplicating a layer will now copy the POB X,Y as well.
Added a preference for exporting DXFs as a polyline (not AutoCAD 2007 friendly).
Changing the POB X,Y will now mark the drawing as dirty.
The POB can now be given a lat/long setting.
Added a lat/long calculator that will show the lat/long of each of the end
points. This form will also calculate the distance, angle and bearing between 2
points. It can also export the lat/long list as a text file.
Added the ability to add lat/long points to a drawing and have them marked as an
Added the ability to enter a series of Lat/Long points and then create a new
layer from the calls.
Added the ability to mark the end points with the x,y values as well as the
point #.
Added the ability to have the end points show the associated angles.
Added the ability to remove all labels.
Added the ability to make the background picture invisible without having to
remove the picture.
Added the ability to calculate the decimal value of a deg.min.sec angle
Changed the listbox default row height from 16 to 20 on the label form.
Fixed a bug that could cause file corruption/crash on file open, when certain
characters were used in layer names.
Fixed a crash bug involving the Recent Items routines.
Fixed a bug exporting the current layer to DXF if the current layer contained
Clearing current calls now marks the drawing as changed.
Splitting plots will now work better when splitting a plot that doesn't have a
closing call and you are trying to split on the first or last call.
Added a preference for drawing the floating call list as flat or shaded.
Added a preference for drawing the solid fill as a gradient.
Added a menu for clearing the current call list.
Exporting to DXF now allows all visible layers to be exported.
Added a gradient shading option to Section Finder.
Background pictures will now listen to the transparency setting when pinned and
set to scaled.
The Show Border setting is now saved properly.
Added the ability to set an x,y point for the POB.
The show point coordinates will now auto zero both the x and y starting point
and will flip the y axis to better match how must people would have drawn the
graph by hand.
Showing the point coordinates will now use the POB x,y as an offset.
Exporting a single layer DXF will now use the POB x,y as the starting offset.
When exporting as DXF, the default name will now contain the name of the
original file.
Can now undo the last layer move done with the mouse.
Converting the auto-close to a call now produces a call that uses degree/min/sec
instead of a decimal form degree.
Converting the auto-close to a call now works better when the result is a
vertical line.
Added the ability to show area expressed as square rods and as roods.
[Bas] Added the ability to export the point coordinates as a delimited text
file. This file will use the POB x,y as an offset.
[Pro] Added a menu for hiding the non-current layers.
[Pro] Added a menu for showing all layers.
[Pro] Layers can now be filled as solid or with hatch marks.
[Pro] The Section Finder can now produce a new layer creating the calls that
make up the selected section.
The about box now shows the version (classic/basic/pro).
The call list can now be copied.
Calls can now be pasted into the current layer.
Calls can now be made invisible. Invisible lines will not be drawn and will not
be used in calculations like finding the area.
Increased the speed of exporting to DXF.
Added a progress bar for long DXF exports.
The section finder images are now 400x400 instead of 200x200
No longer draws the endpoints, calls or line lengths on invisible layers.
Added a menu that will return all layers to their origin (zero offset).
Calls now go above the selected line instead of below. This allows for adding
calls to the top of the list.
Moved the Angle Calculator menu from the Tools menu to the Calculate menu.
Added the ability to set the scale so that the current layer will fill the
Added the ability to move a call up/down the call list by right clicking on the
call and choosing up/down from the popup menu.
Added the ability to add calls by right clicking on the call list and selecting
Enter Data from the popup menu.
Added the ability to edit a call by right clicking on the call list and
selecting Edit Call from the popup menu.
Help can now be activated by pressing F1 on Windows and Command-? on the Mac.
Added the ability to lock a layer’s offset. This way it can't be accidentally
Files will now save the windows Width and Height. This way, if there was special
print formatting, it won't be lost when the file is reopened. The modified flag
is only set on a window resize if the SizeWindow2Printer menu is used.
Added the ability to enter a chord length when entering curve data.
Added a File menu to the background picture form.
Background pictures can now be exported as a picture file.
Corner dots now use a gray scale mask to add subtle shadowing instead of single
depth transparency.
Added an open recent files menu.
Added California and Mexico Varas.
The "show area" functions can now calculate the area for all layers as well as
the current layer.
[Bas] The background can now auto-fit or be pinned to one of the four corners or
pinned to any of the corners and centers of the 4 quarters
[Bas] The background can now be set to scale as 1 mile.
[Bas] The background's offset can now be locked to a layer's offset
[Bas] Calls and Lengths can now be drawn in-line with the their lines instead of
just being drawn horizontally.
[Bas] The drawing can now be copied to the clipboard.
[Bas] Added the ability to export the call lists as a text file.
[Pro] The drawing layers can now auto center or be "pinned" to the center or one
of the four corners.
[Pro] Calls can now be pasted as a new layer.
[Pro] Plots can now be split into new layers instead of just into new windows.
Added the ability to enter a central angle instead of just arc length.
Can now find the radius if the user enters only the arc length in feet and the
central angle.
The drawing and layer options are now in a TabPanel instead of Disclosure
The layer visible checkbox is now checked on the default layer of a new drawing.
Temporary Highlighting of a layer is now the H key instead of the shift key.
Holding down the shift key will now allow you to drag all of the layers at once.
Added an Edit menu to the main form.
[Win] Added accelerator keys to the menus and other forms.
The custom scale form will now auto-select the feet box.
Lines can now have a length of 0 ft. This allows for curves with a chord bearing
of "x" to be entered with the chord entered as a line with a length of 0 ft.
When selecting +- lines the call data is no longer cleared. This makes editing
+- calls more viable.
No longer allows plots to start with a +- call, as there is no starting angle to
+- from.
[WinXP] Fixed the page number printing prefs frame caption - XP theme bug.
Fixed two more failed assertion bugs dealing with the autocomplete features.
Fixed a crash that could occur when attempting to open an invalid file.
Worked around another failed assertion bug when saving a file and the listbox
was selected.
The scale tape will now scale with the size of the drawing, so that it will no
longer shrink to the point of disappearing.
Improved the tab order, clearing and value entering of the curve data form.
Tweaked the location of the north-arrow by a few pixels.
Worked around a failed assertion bug (array.cpp) when entering curve data.
Fixed a bug where the layers could swap data after saving.
[Win] The version badge should now be visible on windows running the XP theme.
Added support for Left/Right facing curves with a radius and either an arc
length or degree of curve.
DXF export now only does AutoCAD 12 (2007) format without the scale.
Added a menu option to resize the window to the size of the printer.
The scale tape can now be positioned into all four corners.
Added a title block feature.
The drawing and layer options are now in disclosure triangles on the main form.
Now has classic, basic and pro versions.
The main window, when no other drawing data is present, will show a little
version badge (classic, basic or pro) in the bottom left corner.
The north arrow can now be shown on the main drawing and can be positioned in
one of the four corners.
Added a Set button to the labels form for the drawing caption.
Added the ability to give the drawing a border.
Now uses a new file type extension: mabf.
Can now double-click the saved file icon to open it. Or drop the file on the
Can now edit +- lines.
The length labels should no longer be clipped (on the right side or the top)
when printing/saving a full screen drawing.
Does a better job of printing the custom labels on the full screen
Added a preference for showing the page numbers when printing using the
full/multi-page option.
No longer draws over the starting point dot if the drawing completely closes.
Can now create a DXF that is compatible with AutoCAD2007.
Added a preference for printing a north pointing compass.
Added the ability to adjust the line width.
No longer shows the page setup dialog every time printing.
Now saves the page setup information between printings.
Now listens to page ranges and number of copies.
When printing to a single sheet, can now resize the drawing to fit the paper
prior to printing so that the drawings scale doesn't change when printed.
Labels can now automatically show the scale.
A label's location can now be reset to center if it has moved off screen when
the window is resized.
Moved the drawing caption onto the labels form.
When using the entry forms, will now offer to convert decimal angles to
deg/min/sec instead of just causing a drawing error.
Fixed a problem with saving/printing a fullscreen/multipage drawing.
Added the ability to draw a section diagram.
Added 1"= 3000', 1"= 1000', 8"= 660' and 1" = 5280' to the scale popup menu.
The number of possible scale settings has been increased 1000x.
Scale is now shown as 1" = x feet instead of the rather arbitrary scale of 0 to
Users can now enter a custom scale setting using inches = feet.
Added scale popup to prefs form.
Now does a better job of drawing the scale tape when saving or printing a full
size picture.
Added the floating call list.
Changed the labels, background and data entry buttons to bevelbuttons and added
pictures too them.
Files are now saved as v4 to help support new scale features and floating call
Added the ability to have the drawing be offset.
The conversion calculator now returns a value (auto fills text field) when
called from the data entry form or custom scale form.
Fixed a bug in the entry verification code that was blocking all curve entries.
No longer lets you start a plot with a curve.
No longer allows the arc length to exceed 2piR.
Show call on curves now shows both arc length and angle.
Can now setup a default startup configuration.
Added the ability to split a plot into two plots.
Added the ability to convert the auto completion line to a call.
Can now use the Decimal to Degree converter to populate the angle data when
adding a call.
The scale now has 10 times as many increments.
Will now save/print a full view even when the plot is only a straight, vertical
Added the ability to convert azimuths to bearing calls.
Now shows POB as a Triangle when show end points is checked.
The scale can now be set to common scales like 1" = 2000' by right-clicking on
the scale.
Added the ability to input lines that reference interior/exterior angles.
Added a tool for adding and subtracting angles. This is useful for descriptions
that use interior/exterior angles.
Added the ability to use value placeholders in the labels. This allows the
manual placement of calculations like sq. feet.
Changed the Icon.
Can now export pictures to different formats (like JPEG) if QuickTime is
Fixed a lockup bug that would occur if somebody entered just a direction and
length - N 425
Will now attempt to parse manually entered "due" directions like N 425 or W 425
Improved tab order for manual entry.
Will now properly clear the display if the only line is removed.
Now shifts focus to the Add button if the user starts typing in the entry field.
Reduced the number of error messages that appear after entering an improperly
formed call.
New HTML based help.
[Win] No longer saves the last window state while minimized.
Now includes a PDF copy of the HTML help.
Added the decimal angle to degree converter.
Can now have the plot show lengths and area in meters.
Added the Find Sq. Meters menu option.
Added the ability to show endpoints on the drawing.
Can now cancel closing a window if it hasn't been saved yet.
The Close menu item is now disabled if closing the window would also quit the
When exporting to DXF, the resulting output is no longer a mirror image of what
is drawn on the screen.
Added the ability to show a picture as the background of a drawing.
The screen now redraws properly when deleting the last line using the Delete
Last button on the data entry form.
[Win] Fixed a crash bug on Win98.
Is now compiled with RB2005r4
Now stores the pref files in the users preference folder instead of the same
folder as the application itself. Existing pref files are moved to the new
Added the ability to edit a call, instead of just adding and deleting.
The non-curve form now supports entering Varas.
Added the ability to enter distance as links (1 link = .66 feet).
Added a conversion calculator that will convert between any of the distance
types that the software supports.
Made most of the forms more Mac friendly.
Fixed a crash that would occur if there was only 1 line and the auto-complete
and show length boxes were both checked.
Added a menu option for showing the (x,y) coordinates of each point, with POB as
Labels can now be rotated 90,180 and 270 degrees.
Added the ability to calculate the perimeter.
The remove button is now only enabled when there is a line selected to delete.
Fixed a minor rounding error that would cause a rectangle, that should have
lapped itself, to be slightly off by a few pixels.
Now uses the "grabby hand" cursors when moving a label.
The main drawing window now supports Contextual Menus.
[Mac] Now marks the dirty widget when appropriate.
Can now show line lengths in any measurement type instead of just in feet.
Fixed a problem where adding a curve would cause a second window to show up
The area of a curve (at least recursive NE) is now calculated correctly - as
well as other calculations like auto-close length.
Now saves the file in a different, easier to expand, format.
Now saves all of a drawing's extended data too.
Can now have multiple plots open at the same time.
Added a delete last line button to non-curve entry form.
Added the ability to create customizable labels.
Added the ability to shade the drawing.
Added the ability to choose a background color for the drawing.
Slightly updated 128x128 icon.
Fixed a crash bug that could occur if the app was quit while the entry form was
Can now scale up to 5x.
Will now print the auto-close line.
Added the ability to save a picture of the full plot and not just what is shown
on screen.
Added Varas (Texas style)
Improved precision on the auto-close length calculation.
Added a feature that will calculate if the survey closes or not.
Added the ability to print a large drawing to multiple pages.
Improved DXF compatibility.
Added the ability to show the whole call on the drawn line.
Added the ability to show the area on the drawing.
Modified the 16x16> icons.
Added the ability to customize the colors.
Fixed a bug where angles without seconds would no longer work.
Should now handle seconds properly instead of using the minutes as the seconds.
Does a better job of handling angles that start with 0.
Fixed a problem where the polygon count would get huge as the scale was redrawn.
Fixed a problem where the area wouldn't always be returned.
Now offers more scale options.
Added the ability to show the length of the line segments on the drawing.
Improved printing.
Added hands and span.
Added a conversion chart.
Now places the filename in the window's title bar.
Fixed a bug where if the last line was deleted and the auto complete checkbox
was checked
the program would crash.
The Mac version will now use sheets for the Save? form.
The help file is now more Win98 friendly.
Fixed control order on main form.
Fixed a problem where the auto complete checkbox could become hidden.
Fixed a problem where the auto complete line would fail to draw when changing
the scale.
Will now save the main window position.
The main window can now be minimized.
Now says Exit instead of Quit in the file menu under Windows.
Added the data entry form.
Added the ability to use rods, chains, meters, yards, inches, fathoms and
Added the ability to calculate hectares.
Added the ability to use minutes and seconds.
Added the Help menu.
Fixed a bug where the slider was no longer visible.
Fixed a crash bug when choosing new drawing and the current drawing has a label.
Added the ability to calculate the area.
Added the ability to calculate the acres.
Fixed a bug where the app would crash if you picked new drawing and then hit the
draw button.
Now clears the old drawing when a new drawing is opened.
Reduced flickering.
Now does a better job of quitting when told too.
Now highlights the line on the drawing that is selected in the data list.
First Release.