Data Entry Video A
video showing how to enter a legal description into Sandy Knoll
Software, LLC's Metes and Bounds software. |
Legal Description Cleanup Video A
video showing how to import a legal description directly into Sandy Knoll
Software, LLC's Metes and Bounds software. |
Export to Google Earth
This video shows how to use Sandy Knoll Software, LLC's Metes
and Bounds software to export a legal description to Google
Earth. |
Scale Background Image
This video shows how to scale a background image using Sandy Knoll Software, LLC's
Metes and Bounds software. |
How to create a Site Plan
This video shows how to use Sandy Knoll Software, LLC's Metes
and Bounds software to create a site plan. |
Merge Exception
This video shows how to use Sandy Knoll Software, LLC's Metes
and Bounds software to merge a plot and an exception into a
single plot. |
This video shows how to use Sandy Knoll Software, LLC's Metes
and Bounds software to create setbacks and align other layers to
them. |